Valentine’s Day at Home


At Home Valentine Date Ideas

1. Fondue at home. Bring the Swiss winter tradition indoors this Valentine’s Day. There are so many fondue sets on the market for you to make a delicious cheese or chocolate fondue at home. Just Kick off your boots, spread out a blanket, make a fire, and viola!, you’re transported to an alpine village. We served our cheese fondue with sourdough bread, Granny Smith apples, potatoes, and celery. And it was cozy and delicious. 

2. Breakfast in bed. I posted a few weeks ago on like to know it and Instagram (do you follow me?) about my favorite trays for breakfast in bed and I’ve enjoyed hearing how many of you have this treat planned for Valentine’s Day!  I just think it is the ultimate way to treat yourself or someone you love. If I had to plan the menu, it would be these pancakes (we like to add blueberries, vanilla, and cinnamon to our batter), with some berries on the side, and a Nespresso latte. Don’t forget your bud vase and syrup!  And if you need seconds, perhaps this bell to call for more from that special someone!  And if you both decide to stay in your pajamas for a long lazy morning in bed, it may be a good time to read this book together as a couple or cash in your personal massage coupons.

3. Just add sugar! They say that couples that bake together stay together and why should cookies be reserved for the holiday season?!  I have a sugar cookie recipe that I love to make cut out cookies for all of the holidays. You’ll need some heart cookie cutters, Ina’s favorite salt, and this particular baking mat (you’ll never have a burnt cookie again!). And if all else fails, maybe having some of these or these on hand – is all the sugar you need. 

4. Hot Chocolate! But like good hot chocolate! One of the things my husband and I seek out on trips is the best hot chocolate in town. And it’s Valentine’s Day – splurge on the good stuff!  While a trip to Paris would be ideal for Valentine’s Day, it just isn’t possible for any of us this year. One of my favorite souvenirs I bring back each time I go is this legendary hot chocolate. I also love this one, and this one as well. Add a cute tray and marshmallows and you are ready to cozy up and watch Midnight in Paris. Fun fact if you are in NYC – Angelina opened their first America boutique near Bryant park.

5. Game night. If you follow me on Instagram, then you’ve seen my husband and I complete our fair share of puzzles. This one is our latest conquest and think I will glue it to keep as it is so pretty (glue and a straight edge come included). When we don’t want to surrender our dining room table for a puzzle, we often like to play this or this – it can get pretty heated! And our favorite conversation game is this one here. Regardless of if you have been married 20 years or you are just dating, these stimulating questions will inspire you to learn something new about each other. I have gifted other couples this game and they make similar ones for families or girls’ nights. Another fantastic way to use them – regardless of which set – is for dinner parties and car rides! I have been to fun dinner parties where the hostess places a card under your plate and midway through dinner, she has everyone read and answer aloud.  So fun! 

Valentine, Love, FlowersHolley Neary